This holiday season has been kind of weird for me, it didn't snow until really late and growing up in a region with definite seasons that is the first indicator of Christmas. I started a new job in October and have been so busy with it that I didn't get in the spirit of the holiday until like the 20
th. Even though I was ready to shop for gifts for my friends and family I was accidentally a very generous giver. Let me clarify that statement, I work right near the homeless shelter and I had an envelope with a large amount of my own money in it and I must have dropped it outside somewhere between my office door and my car. That was a set back to my holiday cheer but I wasn't going to let it get me completely down. (even though it was a very large sum of money)
But then I was hit by another very unsettling non-Christmas spirit event, I was accosted at the mall. When I say I was accosted I mean it I was literally
I always park in the same spot when I go to the Fashion Place mall because otherwise I lose my car. Being the 21st of December parking spots near the
Nordstrom entrance I always park at were scarce. I drove around waiting for someone to leave, and after about 10 minutes I saw little white lights signaling just that. I turned on my blinker and waited for the other Honda to pull out. As I was waiting an Audi pulled up from the other direction and flashed his lights at me to say "I want this spot" I politely waved and flashed my lights back at him to say "NO effing way, I have been sitting here with my blinker on and you just pulled up the wrong way to even get in the spot move along" then the car pulled out and I pulled in. The man in the Audi was furious! He pulled behind my car rolled down his window and started screaming at me. So I sat in my car waiting for him to calm down so I could get out and start my shopping. He didn't pull away... He sat there staring angrily at me while I called people to talk to me and only got
voicemails. After about 3 minutes he finally started to pull away so I felt safe to get out of my car, once he saw me exiting and walking to the doors he started screaming again and I just yelled " MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" and walked into the mall. Annoyed at this man and the crowds I hurried through the mall and didn't find anything that I wanted to buy. I walked back into
Nordstroms and got as far as the women's shoes when the man came and grabbed my arm! He jerked me and I pulled back as he got right into my face calling me an "F*
cking Bitch" and telling me that he was going to kick my ass for taking his parking space. I flipped my phone open and yelled
"9-1-1 " Then the fragrance ladies realized he was being aggressive and called security to escort him out of the building. My dad was sure that he was going to track me down and kill me in my sleep but I am okay so I guess I will just vary my routine just in case he is stalking me.
It was a very crazy holiday experience! But all that aside I had a great Christmas, I made it to Idaho to be with my family (barely the weather was terrible and I had some car troubles but I made it) And we had such a low key holiday that was really wonderful.
Lesson from Holiday 08, if a crazy person wants your parking spot just give it to him, its not worth it!!