I came to Idaho this weekend to hang out with the fam and my Idaho friends. It has been a lot of fun but too short. I decided earlier today that I would stay another full day and leave at the butt crack of dawn to make it to work on time. I am really not looking forward to the drive in the morning but I couldn't bring myself to leave. For one I was right in the middle of a Top Model marathon with my little sister, secondly because I didn't want to make that stupid drive!
I don't know that it was the best choice tomorrow is going to be an extremely long day given that I still have to work but I just couldn't force myself to make the drive today.
I have had a really good time visiting with my family. My little sister Sam started beauty college this week so we have been talking hair and practicing all weekend. I have had my hair blown out, put in curlers, curled with a curling iron only to then be then rewashed and dried to flat iron. It has been fun to let her practice the craft she is learning.
I can't wait until she gets further into her studies so she can try some of her new found talents on me. Like extensions!! I told her that I was so down with letting her (while carefully watched by her instructors of course) add extensions to my hair. I want long long long luscious hair!! Like mermaid hair, I want hair so long blond and beautiful (even if glued in) that I don't have to wear a top! My luscious locks will cover all of the bits that shouldn't be exposed just like a mermaid! haha!! So hopefully in February or early March when she studies extensions I will be the test! This all depends on how they are put in and how much it damages your existing hair. I am trying to grow my own hair out I doubt that I have the will power for mermaid hair but I am going to grow it as long as I can! But if extensions are going to damage it then I will just let my dreams of being Rapunzel fade... just like my long lost dream of being a teen model. haha! (J/K I never wanted to be a teen model)