I am feeling really terrible today that me thinking sarcasm is funny offended someone at my work. Yesterday was an extremely busy and frustrating day for me at work and I allowed that to color how I spoke to one of the people who I do truly appreciate.
I offended him so much so that he went to the CEO to discuss how much it bothered him! I feel horrible! I never meant my shortness via instant message and over use of silly emoticons to make him feel unappreciated and I am mortified that I did!
GRR!! I am so much my fathers daughter... The Roger Buchanan came out in me while I was talking to this man online. Anyone who has ever dealt with my dad in a business sense would tell you he is too harsh and not very understanding.
Rather than explaining my frustration of my day and how we were going to implement a new program I was just short via IM which came across as rude and condescending. I hate this about myself and typically catch myself when I do it and apologize in that moment, but yesterday I did not and now this man that I really admire, because he works so hard and makes my job easier thinks I am a jackass!
I sent him an email to apologize (and would make a phone call in addition to that if he wasn't in the Philippines) and hope that it will remedy the fact that I was a jackass when we spoke yesterday.
Why am I such a jerk???!!!
I am a silly girl just trying to make my way in the world with my little dog and a blog... haha!!
About Me
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Peanut Butter Slices???

I learned something new today! I never knew there was such a thing as a peanut butter slice?!? But there is yes, probably freeze dried 'piece' of peanut butter, like a Kraft single but not cheese.
I can't recall exactly how this topic came up at work but it did and one of my co-workers informed me that was such a thing.
Matt decided to tell Julie and I about the peanut flavored individually wrapped cheese-esque slice and we didn't believe him that there was such a product. So he googled it to show us a picture. Which in and of itself was hilarious that 1) That peanut butter slices exist. 2) That Matt thought of them and wanted to prove to Julie and I that they were real and took time to google them and find a website that sold them. 3) The conversation that ensued after the website was pulled.
Matt: "No really they do exist come see the website"
(Julie and I go to Matt's desk to see the site)
Me: "Oh my gosh that is insane that they do really exist" (lots of laughter)
Me: "It can't taste good?!?"
Matt: "Actually it is kind of good, I have had them"
Julie: "I don't think I would want my peanut butter to have a seam in it"
Matt: "I wouldn't like my peanut butter with semen in it either..." (More laughter)
HILARIOUS!! None of us could even continue talking about the slices because we were laughing so hard!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Dreams of instant mermaid hair dashed...
So my little sister text me last night to let me know that she doesn't think the type of extensions that her school is teaching her how to put in will be what I want. GRR!! I am so sad! I had my hopes up that I would have instant long luscious hair and now that is not in the cards!
From my understanding is the type of extensions that they use are pretty harmful to your natural hair. I would have to have little pieces of fake hair glued... yes glued to my natural hair to achieve the long locks that I dream of. Well this is not good for your actual natural hair it causes a lot of damage. Of any type (and there are several types of extensions) this is the most harmful.
I am so sad that I have to wait the long time it will take to grow my hair to mermaid status rather than just pay my sister to put some in. I don't want to have broken fly away pieces of hair for a possible 6 weeks of it staying in before having to be redone....
I am very, very, very, sad about this...
OH well!! I guess I need to find something else to obsess about!
From my understanding is the type of extensions that they use are pretty harmful to your natural hair. I would have to have little pieces of fake hair glued... yes glued to my natural hair to achieve the long locks that I dream of. Well this is not good for your actual natural hair it causes a lot of damage. Of any type (and there are several types of extensions) this is the most harmful.
I am so sad that I have to wait the long time it will take to grow my hair to mermaid status rather than just pay my sister to put some in. I don't want to have broken fly away pieces of hair for a possible 6 weeks of it staying in before having to be redone....
I am very, very, very, sad about this...
OH well!! I guess I need to find something else to obsess about!
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