I am a silly girl just trying to make my way in the world with my little dog and a blog... haha!!
About Me
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Garage Sale Madness!!
The day started really early REALLY early 5:30 am to be exact which is not a time that I typically see unless I am going to bed then... But that is when we started getting the left over items out that we didn't get out the night before. It was good we started so early because people were showing up at 6!
I was desperately trying to sell my wedding dress which was HILARIOUS given that the bulk of the shoppers were looking for the roto-tiller, weed whackers, antiques, books, and medical supplies. The big ticket items were the walkers, wheel chairs, and antiques.... So our shopper demographic was the hard core garage salers and peeps from the local "homes" IT was sooo funny to keep throwing in "SO do you NEED a wedding dress?" to the 65+ crowd... granted it was some cheap laughs but hey gotta keep em coming when you are up that early! I didn't sell the dress but that is okay...
Summer Fun
I have to admit I haven't had as much fun this summer as I typically do. This is my own fault because I have been a hermit but here are some highlights of the great things I DID do.
- Lava Hot Springs with Michelle: We had such a fun time spending the entire day together! It had been such a long time since we had been able to have a day. I still can't quite comprehend why we thought it was such a great idea to "float" the river after the woman at the pool said. "It is a real river, with REAL rocks, that really HURT!" this was a point that was proven well, when Michelle and I flipped and scraped along the REAL lava rocks. I fared much better than she did with only scrapes along my back. Poor Michelle ended up with a jacked up black and blue ankle and big scrapes and bruises along her legs it was awful. Not to mention her knee that was already hurt from the day before. YIKES! Even with the injuries we still had so much fun!! I love spending time with MZ!
- SLC trip extravaganza! I have already blogged about the SLC trip but it was so jam packed with shopping, hair, bff from Teleserve and her sweet son, more shopping, getting accosted at the mall, more shopping, the tail end of the end of summer bbq til the wee hours of the morning, no sleep, church, breakfast with my old room mate, more hair, more shopping... then DRIVE home... This was a fun filled trip even though I didn't get any sleep that weekend and there were a few hiccups I had a great time! I only have 2 pictures from the whole summer.... I am sure there are more I just don't have them. One is Thomas and I and the other is his friend who's name escapes me now.... but he was the best self esteem boost ever!! Gay men don't lie about peoples looks for some reason if they are batting for the same team they loose the mechanism of just spewing complements without cause. That night he kept announcing "Megan's are always HOTT" which was nice to hear since I am feeling so FAR from hot let alone HOTT.... haha! He took so many pictures of the two of us it just made me laugh! I need to get some copies of those :) It seems like in the one that I have there was something happening off to the side of us that we both really needed to look at! haha!!
- Ok so I have done A LOT more than these 2 things this summer this is just all that is sticking out in my mind I will have to post more later.....
I LOVE Birthdays!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009
As much as I love Nordstroms... this was too much
My goal was to add some color into my wardrobe which I desperately need, basically I wear Black, more black, with a touch of black and a splash of white and grey. BLAH!!! BLAH!!! BLAH!!! Well I didn't end up finding really anything that I liked. I went to every store in the Park City outlets and left with 2 shirts and a pair of shoes.
So I decided that I would try the Fashion Place Mall before meeting up with friends. BAD IDEA!!
It seems as though I am not meant to be a Fashion Place Mall shopper, while I love Nordstroms the last two experiences were a little damaging. Over Christmas I was attacked by a stranger over a parking spot and this time I was taunted by 3 little girls.
I was having a rough day, I was ill the night before (threw up my expensive dinner and had to leave Jessie's b-day party early) My skin was looking particularly awful from my blue light micro-derm abrasion 2 days prior, and my hair was too crazy for me I looked really terrible. But I knew that I was going to go to my hotel room and take a shower tame my hair and be able to re-spakle my face hiding the leprosy.
I am walking through the upper level of Nordstroms and I hear a little girl say... "Oh my gosh look at her hair, its weird" I laughed it off... it was a little weird Dorothy Hamill meets long hair meets wind is not the best look. Then she goes and gets 2 other little girls they are probably about 8 maybe 10 at the oldest. They start to giggle and I am getting a little annoyed because they are following me. Then one says "Wow look at her skin... why would you have short ugly hair with nasty skin?"
This went too far, I was okay with a little bit of rudeness because it wasn't worth saying anything but don't F@ck with me about something I am so desperately trying to remedy with no avail and can not control.
So I turned around, the girls did nothing they just stood there.
me:"excuse me?"
girls: Silence
me: "NO really what did you just say?"
girls: silence
me: "That was extremely rude and I deserve an apology"
girls: silence, obviously terrified scanning the showroom floor for their mother
me: "I am waiting" this was like the 1.... 2.... 3.... moment children are terrified of
girls: one runs, the other starts to tear up, the oldest who was the girl who started this smirks.
me: "Where is your mother?"
oldest girl: "She won't care"
me: "Don't be so sure about that, where is she?"
oldest girl: BURSTS into tears and starts sobbing like I shot her.
me: "Tears won't work on me honey just apologize and I will walk away."
third child: runs back "mom thought it what you said was really rude she is MAD and on her way just say your sorry"
oldest girl: continues to cry eeking out "sorry" and the younger girl beings to sob as well.
Me: "Thank you, you should really think about what you say and how it could make someone else feel."
I was furious but I just walked away, I didn't want to deal with these naughty girls mother and just wanted to get the hell out of there. But I was still on a quest for a colorful top to go out in to meet friends. IT WAS MY MISSION bad skin and ugly hair aside I had to find something!!
Off to Express... on my way down the hallway the stupid Nail guy grabs me and asks if my nails are natural, blah blah... "Yes they are my natural nails and I already own the buffer thank you"
Nail guy: "what about your skin"
me: "Awe FUCK you have got to be kidding me? NO I DO NOT WANT TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT MY SKIN THANK YOU!!!!"
Then I was OVER IT!! Mission ABORTED!!! Fashion Place Mall SUCKS!!
Make Over Time!
I had an appointment at Lunatic Fringe and I was very excited! So I got up at 6 am to get on the road... I decided to take my mom's car since I was going to meet Julie in Park City and my car can't make it up the canyon. I was just getting into SLC and the check engine light turns on... OF COURSE!! I can't just get there with out a hitch.
Fast forward 2 hours, to Lunatic Fringe to get my hair did... Zach was great we talked about his vaca he was headed on to the Redwood Forest, while he was giving me my new look I was getting a little worried because he was going a little crazy with the asymmetrical look he was giving me. "Dorothy Hamill meets long hair" So I ended up with one side shoulder length and the other about to my ear. It was waaaaay too cool for me but I was trying really hard to rock it.
I met up with Julie in Park City right after the cut that took damn near 2 hours, and the look on her face confirmed it, I WAS NOT COOL ENOUGH FOR THAT HAIRCUT... so I quickly called the salon to reschedule with to get it tamed. Thankfully someone was able to fit me in on Sunday since Zach was leaving in an hour to make the trek to the Redwood Forest.
I Really love the way the hair turned out and the rest of the weekend was so much fun... More to come
I promised Julie I would be a better blogger
So a lot of things have changed since my last blog post, and I suppose that it is about time to update. Where to even begin... Hmmm I have become a fan of bullet points so here goes.
- Location: No longer living in SLC, now located back in the great state of IDAHO. Not where I intended to be ever again but it actually has been one of the best choices I have made in a long time.
- Reason for location change: Shitty economy and job change, probably could have stuck it out and tried to make it work in Utah but reference back to bullet one.
- New Job: AMAZING!! I am working for a Web development company and couldn't be happier, it is so wonderful to be good at something again! Not going to talk much more about it so as not to jinx it.
- BAD SKIN: I have never struggled with bad skin my whole life until the last year or so. As a teenager a "bad break-out" was 2 pimples at the same time which happened maybe quarterly. Now I am teetering on looking like a leaper I HATE it. I have started weekly micro-derm abrasions (a basic sandblast of the skin) for extreme exfoliation. I have seen improvements but I might be at the point where I need a medical intervention. I am like that stupid commercial where the kid is camped out at the store and the pharmacist tells him to get a life... ANNOYING!!
- Gave up on my quest for long hair: I cut my hair short again this last weekend, it had gotten really long for me. I don't know that long hair suits me I had just longer than shoulder length and now one side is above my ear and the other is chin length. Sounds weird I know but it is really cute. I will post pics later... maybe reference bullet point above.
Well the last 2 points were very superfical I know there are more things to talk about then my head but it is what was on my mind as I sat here with a clay mask on my face thinking these short bangs are hard to pin back. I will add another post about the craziness that insued about the last 2 points.