I am a silly girl just trying to make my way in the world with my little dog and a blog... haha!!
About Me
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Hilarious Conversation...
We started catching up on what he had been up to over the weekend, he went to a haunted house with friends. Said it was LAME glad he wasn't sober...
M: So Dr. Slaughter's huh? How was that?
J: Lame... even drunk it was lame
M: That is too bad, do you have plans for Halloween?
J: No not really just hanging out with Kris, doing what we always do why?
M: Just wondering... (then I tell him about my costumes and the awesome-ness that will ensue with everything going on this year)
J: Neat
M: Are you going to dress up?
J: Maybe... dunno
M: What would you be?
J: A junkie
M: Are you serious?
M: What would you wear
J: A dirty shirt...
J: Really what else do junkies wear?
M: I don't know... I guess a dirty shirt would do it!
SO FUNNY!! I Laughed so hard I could have fallen out of the booth!
Perfection... Absolute Perfection

We have decided on a theme for our RV which will be a lot of fun.... I don't want to divulge given that there are prizes involved and we are going to be the winners!! So the costume itself will have to stay a secret because it would be a total give away on the theme.
Complete Transformation
The last hair trip to SLC didn't start out that great ended up with a very cool cut has grown out.... well... WEIRD! and I find myself missing my longer locks, even though I didn't do much with them. I am hoping that today will be the day that I get the NEW hair I have been waiting for.
If only Holly would call me back so we can schedule a time today to get this transformation out of my head and on to it!! I can't wait to post the pictures of how great it looks once it is done!! Wish me luck blog buddies!! It should be FAN-F@cking-TASTIC!!!!!
Almost Winter Blues
I forced Sam to come along because I like her opinion and she keeps me grounded in the fact that I don't need to spend $30,000 just because I REALLY like it! haha
So this adventure while fun, didn't end up with me driving away in a new vehicle. I think I have decided to wait until January when things have slowed down a bit and the 2010's come out so the 2009 models go down in price a bit.
I was going to purchase a 2009 Hyundai Santa Fe, a very cute green color it was used but barely and I liked it a lot. Then I talked to a friend who works in the lending business and she said DO NOT buy a Hyundai or a Kia (which were the two types of cars I had fallen in LOVE with earlier in the day) they don't keep their value at all and most people are ALWAYS upside down. Given that I am in that boat now I will take her advise.
So I am hoping that this little Toyota Highlander Hybrid will stay on the lot for me for the next few months while I wait patiently for the price point to be closer to $20,000. That is my hope at least but who knows I might decide by then that I still want a car... I doubt it but we will see!!
New Music
So there is a new play list for my car and when I am getting ready. Typically I just turn on VH1 it seems to be the only station that actually plays videos in the morning but THE SAME 10 videos every day!
Annoying!!! Who cares if John Mayer wants to get stoned? Do it with the American Idol girls who need an SOS and can't live without some dude. I am over it!! The damn Mariah Carey Obsessed song puts me over the edge, I CAN'T STAND THIS LAME SONG!!
It is nice that I have this newly found play list to enjoy... I will post more about it later... For now I need to go get ready for the day listening to it...
- I get to help with the decorations! I love this part!! (and work in the office for only a half day)
- WE ARE DRESSING UP!! One of my favorite things to do is dress up for any occasion and this should be great! We have such a great crew and we will look AMAZING!
- We will be next to the SRL RV! Which will be awesome! This is always a really busy event like 4,000-7,000 peeps come through last year it will be nice to be next to some seasoned veterans. (as seasoned as you can get given that this is the 2nd or 3rd year)
This will be a wonderful opportunity to be out in the community doing something fun! I am very excited!!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Next time I think that I will say... I don't like to feel like I can't breathe in or out during the lower back section and I stay away from my arms!
I really didn't like the arms, I don't know why that was so painful but it was super uncomfortable. But I would totally go back and do it again. I hope to soon, instead of a full body (since there are several parts of mine that are now bruised) I will go for my back, feet, and hands, but it was a very nice treat and I am happy I was able to go!
Law Abiding Citizen

It is pretty intense so if you don't like that then maybe you should find another show but if you do this keeps you on the edge of your seat! It is kind of a DUDE movie though, the whole theater was filled with guys... I didn't mind THIS WAS A GREAT MOVIE!

After dinner in which I wore this great little ring she just purchased. A cute (fake) 4 carat yellow diamond antique looking bobble I decided that I needed one of my own. So we took off for the mall, which isn't the greatest but Wet Seal does have some cute jewelry. I decided that I was going to purchase not only 3 rings but also a dress that I didn't try on. I should have it is super short and I don't know that I can rock it. BUT I ended up with 3 amazing rings that I am in love with. 2 from Wet Seal and one from Kohl's.
We had a great night! And I love my new found jewels! I used to be a complete jewelry snob given that I dedicated almost 5 years of my life to selling jewels... But now I don't care at all as long as my finger doesn't turn black or green its all good!
My favorite piece of the night has to be this round peridot looking gem that has "diamonds" around the center. April and I are twiners and I think she said it is called "Appletini" I kept calling it "Lemon Meringue" but it is GREEN not YELLOW... I will have to find a YELLOW one next!
None the less it was a really great time... I have found a new band that I am obsessed with well they aren't totally new to me MZ has liked them for some time and told me about them but they are a new obsession.
THE ALMOST!! A band out of Florida that loves Jesus! I have been listening to the pre-release of their new CD on a loop in my car! It is very very good the full version comes out Nov 3rd. I am excited to download it.
I was so pleased that we got to see them and the USED they played most of my favorite songs and then we were able to meet up with Olyea and some other peeps from Jared. It was such a jam packed weekend!
Day to Blog
So it has been a busy week... I had a world-wind weekend in SLC last weekend. Sam and I had so much fun, but we didn't get the memo saying "Megan you are not a ROCK STAR" don't be fooled it is very very true!
Too many late nights but SOOO much fun! We were able to spend Friday night with Jeff, Brandee and Matt which was alot of fun! Saturday night was the concert and Sunday I went to church then lunch with Julie and a quick trip to Nordstroms for some boots, (that's where I fell in love with the suede flower booties) and then back to IF. It was so much fun... Just late late nights or early early mornings how ever you want to look at it!
I found you... Miss New Bootie
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Wednesdays are a bad day to stay home sick
Today was a pretty busy day at work though there are several projects near completion and more that are in the pipeline or just starting. This is good but has been difficult given that I need to SELL more! Lindsey is giving me a run for my money this month and I really want to continue with my streak of high selling months. SO I am going to again damn near over dose on over the counter meds to be up for a very productive selling day tomorrow!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Swine Flu
Saturday, October 3, 2009
I want a New Car...
- Parking brake not pulled in 2006, in front of a friends apartment on a small incline. SMASH into another little Honda who's owner insisted it was a hit and run. LAME my car was still attached to hers. Yes I am going to leave my 20,000 investment in pain attached to yours and hoof it home to T-ville NO WAY $6000.00 in damages between both cars. OUCH
- 2 months later, some serious confident driving (people who know me understand "confident" driving) all the way to South Ogden to the then boyfriends apartment. In the AM his friend comes in... "Don't you have a little Honda Hybrid? Well it has rolled into a poll and is jacked up" Damn it!! another faulty parking technique on my part the stupid parking brake needs to pull itself... Confident driver yes confident parker no!! $2500.00 in damages.
- A year later... Its pouring rain, and I just found out the most recent bf has a WIFE yes a wife who has called me to tell me what a great person I am... yes this was an awesome conversation that ended with me rear ending a silver Toyota Tacoma, thankfully there was no damage to the truck but almost $1500 damage to my car! UGG!! (BTW I had no idea that this guy was married. I had even been to his house on more than one occasion and there was no reminance of wife. She had moved out almost 6 months earlier and took all his money to buy herself a new rack and I don't mean for her ski's)
- On a visit staying at friends someone smashed out a window in the little beast and stole all of my CD's (yes I am lame and still owned CD's) Ten years of collecting down the freaking tubes.. what idiot steals CD's there is nothing you can do with nearly 200 used disks of music that few have heard of or would even like. Thankfully someone replaced the lot with a sweet mix on my birthday that was only weeks away. Which is kind of a consolation but I wish I still had some of the originals. $300 to replace the window and a missing piece of my soul with the stolen CD's.
- Fast forward 2 years from the first escapade in parking malfunction. Another venture in confident driving... CRUNCH into a Teal car which was parked... only minor scratches on it so the owner said not to worry. $500.00 in damage
- 4 months later just long enough to for all of the accidents to fall off of my insurance I am stupid and back up into a big cement beam in an underground parking lot... THAT THING CAME OUT OF NO-WHERE! This was just me being an idiot there was no confidence in this maneuver just pure stupidity. Yet another bumper that needs to be replaced upwards of $2000 in damages.
- Driving down N. Temple going to my Monday night book club, in a rush because I am running late.... Not paying attention and the woman in front of me slams on her brakes. CRUNCH no damage to my car but there are two little licence plate bolt marks on her car. OF COURSE lets call the cops it is HUGE deal!! $500 in damages to her car.
- Driving down State street to get to a job interview, at this point I have decided the temp job was not going to work out so I was interviewing at a Bank. I am turning left onto 400 S from State and the Van in front of me decides he no longer wants to turn but go straight so he is going to BACK UP!! I honk he doesn't notice... SMASH, CRUNCH... this BUCKLES my hood! GOOD GOD MAN!! I can't win!! But thankfully this wasn't my fault but another $2500 in damages!
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE THIS CAR!! It is the biggest pain in the neck!!!
So now that I have turned over a new leaf and am fiscally responsible with a good credit score (all of my bills are paid off except one medical bill and the stupid car) and a savings account that isn't laughable I don't know what I want to replace the demon seed I am driving around.
Thoughts? Suggestions? I wish there was something that came with a bubble around it or a driver so I wouldn't have to worry about any more issues with me behind the wheel, or not given that most of the issues had to do with my skilled parking jobs!
Iphones HATE ME!!


Catching up with Friends!

Bird Lady
Friday, October 2, 2009
My mom is very ill, and will possibly be hospitalized today or tomorrow. Most who know me well know that I am completely a mama's girl she is not only my mom but one of my very best friends. Seeing her so ill is heart breaking, so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers that she will get through the next few weeks.