So I helped Michelle with her Mall Santa's Pj party. I wrote about it a little yesterday. I voulenteered to help just keep the kids where they were supposed to be and to get the gift card that came with the gig.... haha...
Well what I didn't know was that I was going to be an Elf. I wasn't told until the day of that I was going to be in an Elf costume with Michelle. I guess that it was okay. It was really funny the reations that it got from people. We had to walk through out the mall right before to get everything ready and it was funny to hear the things that people would say. There were alot of little kids who thought it was fantastic and a lot of people who just said. "Oh gawd" too funny.
It was a hectic party because the craft that they picked online was way too hard given the age of the children and the time constraints. So covered in glue and watching tears start to well in childrens eyes because they couldn't get their foam gingerbread houses to stay up I made an executive decision to get rid of the craft let the kids take it home and have 2 coloring stations. which was fine.
I don't know that I would do it again but it was fun! Anastasia and Rita came which was nice and at least it gave me something to do.
It is always good to help people. Do unto others what you want them do unto you. Have a wonderful Christmas.
You are the cutest little Holidays on Ice David Sedaris style Christmas Elf! Love it!
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