Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Today is Darcie's Birthday!!

Yay!! Today is little d's birthday! I am so excited! I hope that I get to join the gang at the Tavernacle, it was so much fun the night before Em's wedding. I am sure that the birthday celebration will be no exception.

I got a chance to chat with D yesterday it was so nice to catch up with her. It has been too long, she gives such great advise to shed new light on situations I am going through. I am so glad that she and Em have become such good friends. It is nice to see them together, two tiny little pixy people that love fashion, family, friends, their husbands (0ne who is brand new) and their little doggies!

I am so blessed to have these ladies in my life and can't wait to celebrate another year past for Darcie! HOORAY!! I can't wait for the sing-a-long at the Tav!

1 comment:

MUG said...