- Parking brake not pulled in 2006, in front of a friends apartment on a small incline. SMASH into another little Honda who's owner insisted it was a hit and run. LAME my car was still attached to hers. Yes I am going to leave my 20,000 investment in pain attached to yours and hoof it home to T-ville NO WAY $6000.00 in damages between both cars. OUCH
- 2 months later, some serious confident driving (people who know me understand "confident" driving) all the way to South Ogden to the then boyfriends apartment. In the AM his friend comes in... "Don't you have a little Honda Hybrid? Well it has rolled into a poll and is jacked up" Damn it!! another faulty parking technique on my part the stupid parking brake needs to pull itself... Confident driver yes confident parker no!! $2500.00 in damages.
- A year later... Its pouring rain, and I just found out the most recent bf has a WIFE yes a wife who has called me to tell me what a great person I am... yes this was an awesome conversation that ended with me rear ending a silver Toyota Tacoma, thankfully there was no damage to the truck but almost $1500 damage to my car! UGG!! (BTW I had no idea that this guy was married. I had even been to his house on more than one occasion and there was no reminance of wife. She had moved out almost 6 months earlier and took all his money to buy herself a new rack and I don't mean for her ski's)
- On a visit staying at friends someone smashed out a window in the little beast and stole all of my CD's (yes I am lame and still owned CD's) Ten years of collecting down the freaking tubes.. what idiot steals CD's there is nothing you can do with nearly 200 used disks of music that few have heard of or would even like. Thankfully someone replaced the lot with a sweet mix on my birthday that was only weeks away. Which is kind of a consolation but I wish I still had some of the originals. $300 to replace the window and a missing piece of my soul with the stolen CD's.
- Fast forward 2 years from the first escapade in parking malfunction. Another venture in confident driving... CRUNCH into a Teal car which was parked... only minor scratches on it so the owner said not to worry. $500.00 in damage
- 4 months later just long enough to for all of the accidents to fall off of my insurance I am stupid and back up into a big cement beam in an underground parking lot... THAT THING CAME OUT OF NO-WHERE! This was just me being an idiot there was no confidence in this maneuver just pure stupidity. Yet another bumper that needs to be replaced upwards of $2000 in damages.
- Driving down N. Temple going to my Monday night book club, in a rush because I am running late.... Not paying attention and the woman in front of me slams on her brakes. CRUNCH no damage to my car but there are two little licence plate bolt marks on her car. OF COURSE lets call the cops it is HUGE deal!! $500 in damages to her car.
- Driving down State street to get to a job interview, at this point I have decided the temp job was not going to work out so I was interviewing at a Bank. I am turning left onto 400 S from State and the Van in front of me decides he no longer wants to turn but go straight so he is going to BACK UP!! I honk he doesn't notice... SMASH, CRUNCH... this BUCKLES my hood! GOOD GOD MAN!! I can't win!! But thankfully this wasn't my fault but another $2500 in damages!
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE THIS CAR!! It is the biggest pain in the neck!!!
So now that I have turned over a new leaf and am fiscally responsible with a good credit score (all of my bills are paid off except one medical bill and the stupid car) and a savings account that isn't laughable I don't know what I want to replace the demon seed I am driving around.
Thoughts? Suggestions? I wish there was something that came with a bubble around it or a driver so I wouldn't have to worry about any more issues with me behind the wheel, or not given that most of the issues had to do with my skilled parking jobs!
Oh "confident driving" I remember that term. Your poor little Honda. Maybe it is time for something with better karma.
In choosing a good car, I look for the least expensive car that meets my least standards for the most important feature; this leaves me with a car that fits my type at a fair price range. Perhaps, before you purchase your next car, you have to consider the safety, insurance premiums, and warranty coverage.
Lawrence Harkness
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