I am a silly girl just trying to make my way in the world with my little dog and a blog... haha!!
About Me
Monday, December 29, 2008
Dang it!

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Merry Christmas... (a little late)
But then I was hit by another very unsettling non-Christmas spirit event, I was accosted at the mall. When I say I was accosted I mean it I was literally attacked.
I always park in the same spot when I go to the Fashion Place mall because otherwise I lose my car. Being the 21st of December parking spots near the Nordstrom entrance I always park at were scarce. I drove around waiting for someone to leave, and after about 10 minutes I saw little white lights signaling just that. I turned on my blinker and waited for the other Honda to pull out. As I was waiting an Audi pulled up from the other direction and flashed his lights at me to say "I want this spot" I politely waved and flashed my lights back at him to say "NO effing way, I have been sitting here with my blinker on and you just pulled up the wrong way to even get in the spot move along" then the car pulled out and I pulled in. The man in the Audi was furious! He pulled behind my car rolled down his window and started screaming at me. So I sat in my car waiting for him to calm down so I could get out and start my shopping. He didn't pull away... He sat there staring angrily at me while I called people to talk to me and only got voicemails. After about 3 minutes he finally started to pull away so I felt safe to get out of my car, once he saw me exiting and walking to the doors he started screaming again and I just yelled " MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" and walked into the mall. Annoyed at this man and the crowds I hurried through the mall and didn't find anything that I wanted to buy. I walked back into Nordstroms and got as far as the women's shoes when the man came and grabbed my arm! He jerked me and I pulled back as he got right into my face calling me an "F*cking Bitch" and telling me that he was going to kick my ass for taking his parking space. I flipped my phone open and yelled
"9-1-1 " Then the fragrance ladies realized he was being aggressive and called security to escort him out of the building. My dad was sure that he was going to track me down and kill me in my sleep but I am okay so I guess I will just vary my routine just in case he is stalking me.
It was a very crazy holiday experience! But all that aside I had a great Christmas, I made it to Idaho to be with my family (barely the weather was terrible and I had some car troubles but I made it) And we had such a low key holiday that was really wonderful.
Lesson from Holiday 08, if a crazy person wants your parking spot just give it to him, its not worth it!!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I have never been so sad...
I finished around midnight and had to call my little sister and discuss it in tears, I couldn't stop crying. It is really stupid but I have been so emotionally invested in this show that I was crushed. I have spent the last few weeks watching it from Season 1 to 5, waiting with bated breath for the next disk to arrive. Seeing Nate die and then in the final episode see how all of the other beloved characters meet their demise. I literally was "boo hoo-ing". As I was sobbing I tried to think of the last time that I had cried this hard and it was at an actual funeral! Talking to Sam about it didn't help I just continued to cry I had to turn on a Disney show to lighten the mood before I went to bed so that I could go to sleep with out an hour of crying in my bed. SO STUPID!!
So here I sit at work with puffy red cry eyes and feeling sleep deprived because I didn't get to sleep until 3 am I was so distraught.
I need to pick a new show to Netflix. I might start watching Weeds or watch Dexter from season one. I haven't decided yet, but it can't be really sad otherwise I will have to hide all of the sharp objects in my home from myself. Haha!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
For a minute there I actually thought I was going to be raped...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A Good Day
It is my mothers birthday and I forgot to send the card that I bought for her. I had to leave work early because I am sick, I think I have an ear infection and I feel like I am underwater. It has completely thrown off my equilibrium so if I move too much I vomit. In the infected ear I hear a constant whistle. It's like Thomas the Train is trapped in it, whistling in hopes someone will hear him and help him back to the track headed to freedom!! I think that I am going to have to fire someone tomorrow (a part of my job that I really don't like) I had a very uncomfortable conversation with a friend that has left me reeling, not knowing what to do with the situation.
All that said....
My Mom does NOT have cancer! You read that right! She will be able to celebrate another year a cancer free year!! It has been a long few weeks to hear back about the biopsy results that doctors were so sure would be BAD news... but NO CANCER!! I am thrilled! I feel so much better knowing that she is going to be okay. The treatment for what she does have will be painful but not life threatening. I am so pleased!
Today was a good day!! :)
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
I CAN'T STAND IT!! But I am too cheap to pay for cable or anything because I am already paying for netflix! UGG!! There are certain shows that I watch online but that isn't the same, and I steal my Internet from my neighbor so it doesn't always work. Its not like I can go knock on his door and say "damn it my Internet isn't working! What's the deal???" oh well... I guess I will log on to MTV.com and watch The Hills from my kitchen table! AGAIN!!
Worky work work
It has been a pretty productive day, long but productive. I got an email from someone I totally didn't want to hear from and am annoyed that won't leave me alone. I think that I handled it well but I am still annoyed. If I ask you to leave me alone please do it!
Enough about that... I need to continue to research schools that offer an online GED program... UGG!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I feel okay with it because I can't control what others do, say, or think but I can still be annoyed. I just have to keep telling myself that it makes me who I am and I am better because I handled the situation with class but I am feeling a little broken. My cold black heart was starting to warm up and now it just feels like it is going right back to where it was... I am feeling a little grinch-ish... my heart is too small for all of this nonsense.
I am going to bed.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Change in perspective

Thursday, November 20, 2008
Maybe its the Answer I've been wanting in disguse
Things have been so hectic, new job, new apartment, and new friends. It seems so surreal I have "auto-pilot" moments when I drive towards Taylorsville ready to pull into my little garage and be met at the door by my little dog. None of that is true, Lily is still in Idaho and I don't have a garage I have a numbered spot in a parking lot up a steep hill. Don't get me wrong I love my new space but in the "rebuild" of my life I am in a very different place than what I envisioned when I moved back here.
I didn't think things would swing up and down so drastically, they have been very UP!! and then DOWN!!! more down than up but that is changing. As I think of it I have to remind myself that it makes me who I am and I have to not think about how alone I am right now. I have never slept alone, it sounds funny but I have always either had a boyfriend or more importantly my dog! I need to get on that doctors note! haha! (If you know what I am talking about you will laugh but I am not going to divulge my evil plot to get my Lily here! )
I have so many moments that seem so surreal... It is easy to want a certain life and yet know that it isn't going to happen but I am going to live in the moment and just see where life takes me.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Diet Coke, Fries, and a Frosty

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Woke up and wished that I was dead...
I think that I have made some plans for Thanksgiving, my new friends at church are going to take a road trip to the Grand Canyon! I have never been and I think it could be a lot of fun! So if everything works out as planned I will be giving thanks at the Grand Canyon! I think it will be so much fun!!
I have made a pact with myself that I am going to be more fiscally responsible. Doing so I decided that any money I spend on silly things will have to come either from my bonus or from some other means... I decided that turning tricks on the corner while could be quite profitable wasn't really the best way to get some extra cash! haha!! I did end up going do donate plasma it is a quick and almost painless way to do something good and also get a little bit of money. So I paid for my new hat this morning with "Blood Money" haha!!
But in my quest for financial freedom in selling my plasma I also had to be weighed... UGG!! I was so distraught about that number it was really upsetting to me! So I am joining a gym with the remainder of my blood money. I am tired of feeling like Fatty McFat pants. My weight has fluctuated a lot in the past few months and I am tired of the see-saw effect it is having on my body and emotions. So I will be a gymer! haha!!
I scooted to church today! It was a little cold but nice to be out! I did have to buy a beanie cause my ears were frozen but that is okay it was a really great service I have a new hat and I got to ride my scoot without incident. That is all a girl can ask for! :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Major Rhodes Memorial Fund
Thank you for your love and support of the Rhodes family."
Eric Winter
Outreach and Operations Director
K2 The Church
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Oh Goodness...

Friday, November 7, 2008
Maybe we will do some bowling
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
I have met some of the most amazing women in the past few days and made some very fast friends. I didn't think that I would get as much from this book and this small group as I have. I am also missing some old friends, but lives change and people change and maybe the season of certain friendships have come and gone but maybe it just needs a good freeze, time for sleep and calm, and once thawed will be revisited. That is my hope but for now I will leave it alone, and see what will happen.
My first day at the new fantastic job was just that FANTASTIC!! I did have a sullen undertone but I was so excited to get things ready for our investor to come and to plan and organize the benefit package and to just work hard and apply myself. It has been too long since I have had a chance to work hard and accomplish so much. I feel very good about it! I do have to start extremely early tomorrow, there just wasn't enough time in the day to get done all that needed to be but I got a good chunk out of the way.
Please tell the ones you love that you do and mean it!
...Major Rhodes...
At this point I am sure that a number of you are aware of the tragic accident that happened in the nursery this last Sunday at K2. Major Rhodes was in our nursery with some other children and four adults when he began choking and stopped breathing. 911 was called immediately and several doctors and nurses who attend K2 immediately came to Major's aid. Paramedics arrived soon after and took him to Primary Children's Hospital. The medical staff were able to get Major breathing, his heart started beating and he was admitted into the Intensive Care Unit. Unfortunately too much time lapsed where Major was not receiving oxygen and he passed away this morning around 4:00 am. It is hard to even express the heaviness in my heart as I write these words to you.
David and Darcy have been surrounded by friends and David's parents were flying in for a visit yesterday so have been here with them the entire time. In speaking with David he is amazed at the grace that God has been giving them and truly feel and are thankful for the support and prayers of everyone.
They were able to donate Major's kidneys and liver to offer life to another child, which was important for them. At this point their plan is to fly back to Nebraska as soon as possible where they will have the funeral and burial service for Major. There will be a memorial service here at K2 soon after they return. We will let you know the date and time as soon as we know.
I am sure that many of you will want to know how you can help. At this point their K2 small group is providing tremendous care and support. After they return we will let you know if there is further, tangible help you could assist with. At this point the greatest thing we can do is be praying for God to shower his grace and comfort on the family and all those involved on Sunday morning.
There are two other things that we want to offer anyone who may need to process this tragic event. First, we will have grief counseling available. You can contact the church office at 801-486-2240 if you feel this would be a helpful service. Second, we will be providing a meeting on Thursday evening at 7:00 to provide a time of prayer and discussion. All of us at this time have been thrown into a jumble of emotion and questions. We are the body of Christ and believe coming together can be helpful so we want to do that.
There are no answers to all the questions we have. But there are some things that we can know are true. And it is the truth about God that we are clinging to in times like these. Last night around 100 of us joined together at the church to pray for Major and the Rhodes family. Psalm 46 came to my mind and I shared it last night. I would like to leave you with these verses from that psalm.
1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day...
10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth."
11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
May we remember that He is ever-present with us and faithful to redeem the hardest things we face. We all appreciate your prayers and support during this difficult time.
David NelsonLead PastorK2 The Church
Sunday, November 2, 2008
It was a no different this morning, it was nice to go early to meet the team that I would be working with and see where I would be of the most use. The hour before first service went much faster than I expected it to with the coffee brewing and the programs ready I took my seat in the auditorium the woman I was shadowing wanted to go to second service so I went to first. The message was powerful and I truly enjoyed it. After the worship I went back to my post at the store front. K2 sells coffee mugs, hats, books, t-shirts, and gives away CD's of previous messages.
Then tragedy struck, a slew of ambulances, police cars, and fire trucks were swarmed around the other building. K2 has a white warehouse and a red one I was serving in the red. People were bustling around trying to figure out what had happened and it was really one of the worst things that could have. A 14 month old little boy had been playing with his dad and other kids in the nursery of the other building and had choked. Details on what he was choking on were not released. Thankfully his dad is a doctor and when he noticed the child struggling for breath gave him the hymlick and then administered CPR while waiting for the medical crew to arrive. Little Major Rhoades, still without breath was then rushed to Primary Children's Hospital. In Lieu of the news the pastors didn't know what to do or how to conduct the second service, so we prayed as small groups and we sang worship songs and prayed that this little boy and his family would be okay.
About 15 minutes into the service news came through that with assistance of machines and in intensive care Little Major was breathing and his vitals were up, we celebrated! I spent the rest of my day reflecting on the message that I had heard from the earlier service and the tragedy of what was happening to this family and the community of K2 the Church. Then around 5:30 my new friends came to pick me up to go to a group that meets on Sunday nights and in the midst of talking about what happened and praying for the family and this little boy news came through that he was without oxygen for nearly 20 minutes and although he was technically alive with the aide of the machines he was completely brain dead. The family was at the hospital making difficult decisions on what to do, and whether or not to donate his organs and let him go to God.
That is all that I know so far, so please anyone who reads this have your thoughts and prayers be with the Rhoades today. Kiss your kids tell them that you love them, let the people in your life that you care about know it. We could all be gone in a moment...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I wanna!
I can't sing, (unless you ask Rita) but I still do I am always making up songs and singing along to whatever is on and I really want to be able to put a tune to my little ditty's.
I need to find a man (or woman) about a guitar... and lessons.... hopefully free! haha!!
I also have an interest in the drums, but they again are cumbersome and much more difficult to practice given that I don't have a garage, a band and I do have both arms (ouch bad joke, I shouldn't poke fun at a one armed drummer) I was in love with a boy in high school who was a drummer and I am pretty sure he still is and I love it, I have taken a liking to the drum kit on rock band but I don't really have a whole lot of rhythm so I don't think I could really do it. That foot thing really messes with my mind!!
When we were younger my sister got piano lessons and the other one got violin lessons (also a sound I love) so why shouldn't I try my hand at something now? My parents were always too poor for me to ever go. Alix was babysitting her way into the piano lessons and the violin lessons were a gift to Sam for something that I don't remember.
I really wish that I could sing but there is no changing how bad my voice is without well me dying and being reincarnated into someone who isn't tone deaf! haha!! If I had a choice I would have a raspy haunting voice... but I can't choose that so I guess I will just stick with trying to learn to play something.
I am a girl who has lost her cocaine

Monday, October 27, 2008
Money money money must be funny in a rich mans world

Jennifer and Steve are having a party at there house I think I am going to go to that but I don't know as what and costumes are required for entry. There is also some fab prize for the winner of the best costume contest. I do like to win!
I really don't know what to go as... the devil get up is getting old, I could go goth, but I don't know that I will. I am sure that I will think of something I have a few days before I have to start scrambling. I suppose I could go as a pirate, that is really popular this year. I know that the Z family well at least MZ and BZ are going Arrghhh! I don't know what to do, I am so lame this year. I usually am so pumped and can't think of anything else but this year is blah... LAME LAME LAME!!! Oh well I better get back to what I was doing. Hope all of you have a costume idea.
Friday, October 24, 2008

I am so excited, we have already purchased our tickets and I can't hardly wait! It will be so much fun. Sam hasn't been to a good haunted house ever. Honestly I don't know if she can take it but we are going to give it a whirl. Last time I went to a good haunted house (like 2 years ago) I was behind the cutest boy and his family and I kept intentionally getting closer to him. That is because I was completely wasted and I was worried I couldn't hold myself up but that is beside the point. He was super cute and his mom told him to get my number but he was embarrassed and once he realized how drunk I was I don't think he was interested. Oh well... that wasn't the point of this blog. The point was I AM GOING TO A HAUNTED HOUSE BITCHES!!!
I am also going sober so it won't be as fun as it has been in the past but either way I am a screamer I don't know that Sam will enjoy that I am "that girl" the characters chase to make the house seem scarier than it is.
I try to let everyone around me know that I am "that girl" so they can choose another place in line or follow behind a little closer to know when something creepy is coming up.
My stomach is turning in anticipation, or the fact that I have eaten like non-stop today... but I do have some yummy potato's waiting for me! ha ha!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sam came back with me this time, one to see my new place, two so that she could get her math stuff done and just take the damn GED test. A friend of mine helped her last night and she is at a very basic level but with a little more studying she will be able to take the test in November and just be done.
I also am taking advantage of her being here so I can utilize her thrifty-ness. I myself am not very thrifty but she is the queen. I went to the Gateway and didn't purchase anything. That is a feat! It was nice to see Dan he cut his hair!! It looks good, he is the only Utah friend I see anymore and that is only when I go into the Apple Store and say hello. Matt and Emily bought a house, it looks beautiful (from the blog) I don't know what Darcie is up to Dan never has time to chat. I did get to go to lunch with Ritchie and his little family that was nice, his kiddos are getting so big. I miss our insurance days just cause he is so funny. Shannon is in Boston and I haven't spoken to her since her wedding.
I have been going to this small group at my church which has been nice, the ladies in it are so sweet. I had better run I am going to go make some potato's for brunch its damn near 11 and I am just getting up from my Internet surfing...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I am a ROCK STAR!!!

I also cleaned out my parents fridge... damn, that was a yucky mess something spilled and was all over almost everything. GROSS!! It is really clean now, bleached and cleaned. I also cleaned out my car which was kinda gross too... Lola decided that she needed a car ride not too long ago and I had to vacuum it all out and wipe everything down. I need to get some fabreeze so it doesn't smell like a big bulldog. That will have to come later, I was going to clean Alix's too but she has so many items that take too long to clean out. I don't want to go in and out of the house before I go and vacuum it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Love Lockdown...
It is really a great song! I also downloaded a lot of sad songs I have been in the mood for sad songs as of late. But I did also get some really peppy ones too, can't go without a good mix of happy, sad, and silly.
I am also obsessed with TI I really like a lot of his stuff, all the stuff with Rhianna is great! I am listening to whatever you like right now... GREAT!! good good good goodness... Better finish the show so I can get ready for a very busy day.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Built a skyscraper of procrastination

Sunday, October 12, 2008
I can't win....
Mom told me to just have it pulled... well it isn't a tooth real far back in my mouth and it would have looked really stupid to be missing it. So Dr. J says that he can save it and he is willing to give me a really good deal if I let him drill out the infection and fill it with medication and a temporary, given that I have been in and out of pain since it broke damn near 10 years ago I was more than willing to let him do this. It didn't take too long, it did take a lot of numbing stuff my teeth don't numb easily. I felt 3 of the 4 wisdom teeth as they came out when I had that done at 16. I am feeling better even though I looked like I had a stroke and I still feel like I was kicked in the face but, I would rather that then the pain I have been in for the last few weeks.
I can't seem to get ahead, I have now been to the dentist, and the hospital 5 times.... Oh well!
Things have to start looking up soon! They have to!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sleeping Beauty...
I still want to be Aurora or Rose whatever you want to call her she is great. Who knew that you could fall in love with a prince in one day? Well you can! And you have two ladies yelling make it pink make it blue! about your dress and about your cake it would be wonderful!
well I better get back to it I have to do my dad's homework and I have to get Anastasia some more cereal, she has to go home after the movie and she is very worried about getting more Cinnamon toast crunch before that happens.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just another Manic Monday... wish it were Sunday cause thats my Funday

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonesome...

I need to take some more recent ones I haven't since August. I think I am going to take some with Olyea tomorrow. I am going to meet up with her after church.
I did get to chat with Michelle tonight it was good to talk to her. She is doing well, she got to go on a little road trip with Brian and the Kiddos. Bri Guy has to work so she will get to hang out with a friend from high school. Which will be good for her. I am glad I got to talk to her, I rarely do. I miss them a lot, I should have given Bri Guy a hug before I left when I was there before. I know that he was struggling with the passing of a dear friend. I feel really bad I have struggled a lot with quite a few things but not death. Thankfully not that but I should have given him a hug and let him know how much I love he and his family.
I am watching another movie Lucky number Sleven, great movie. Great Movie!! I better get back to it its starting to get intense, they just told Josh Hartnet (Sleven) that he has to kill the Rabbi's son the Fairy. Getting interesting.
A little less conversation....

Hmm... where to start.

I decided that I am not going to get cable or satellite I am going to netflix it. When I find a more permanent job I won't be home enough to watch it and I don't want to be a couch potato.
I have moved too many times in my short stay in Utah and I have also spent way too much time being sick or wounded. I am not scared of my scooter anymore I have ridden it quite a bit. I wish that I could wear real shoes on both feet but I am okay with my hospital shoe for now. I need to go back in for some sort of follow up visit for my foot but I really don't want to I think I am just going to show it to one of my friends who is in the medical field and call it good.
I am so glad that I have my own place again!!! It is fantastic, I need to have a little house warming party but I don't know when.
My dad is coming down today if it isn't too rainy. He needs to get some stuff for work, I hope that he is able to come. I moved everything on Wednesday so that I wouldn't have to worry about the rain. I am glad that I did so that I would have time to get everything put away, it is almost put away but put away for the most part. I don't have a lot of storage but that is okay.
Olyea is moving or going to try and move to Cali. I hope that it works out for her she needs a change in a positive direction. I am going to her court date with her, and hopefully she will be divorced. I guess that her douche of a still husband soon to be no longer husband has signed all the papers but for some reason she will need to go to court this month.
I am sad to be out of Julie's I didn't realize how much I liked her. We were really getting along and things were great it was a good temporary place and I will miss it. I went there yesterday to get some mail and was sad to scoot away. But then I pulled up the hill and into my new spot and I loved it!!
I need to get online and find a cover for my scoot so I will blog again later~
Friday, October 3, 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I was on my scooter and then I wasn't then I was on the ground with people trying to help me but the help wasn't there. I was pinned under the scoot right foot completely smashed and a couple came rushing back to me. They didn't speak any English and the man put his foot on the scooter! Smashing my foot further into the ground, and his wife had me in a bear hug and was trying to pick me up. I just kept screaming the bike the bike THE BIKE!! and finally some man came running yelling in spanish to pick up the bike.
Then he picked me up! I was covered in blood and a huge piece of my big toe was missing just gone... he offered to take me to the ER and I accepted. I couldn't take myself I could barely walk.
I sobbed in the back of the car while his wife talked about how lucky I was that I had on my hemlet... no not helmet hemlet... I was very lucky that I had enough sense to wear it.
I was gushing blood out of my toe which I think is now infected but I couldn't even bare the pain it hurt so much.
I called my mother and Darrell my Utah dad and he came to the hospital to tell me to be a man and suck it up. I tried but I have never cried so hard. I would post some pics but I am too lazy to go get the camera from my room.
I have never spent so much time in the hospital and I don't recommend it to anyone it really isn't all that fun. I am glad that I didn't lose a toe that could have easily been the case but I didn't and I am thankful. I am sorry to worry everyone. I am going to go finish off the pain killers that were prescribed and go to bed I have a long day ahead of me but I look forward to it.
Good luck to those who continue to scoot... it hasn't been that good to me so I think I will wait until i heal... I don't want to but it is probably for the best! :(
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Went to Kira and Rogers! London has gotten so big! It was so good to see them and know that they are doing well. They are moving to IF which is really exciting. It will be good to be able to see them when I go home, rather than stopping in Pocatello.
I start a new job tomorrow I am excited I have never been so excited to do something so out of the norm for me. I got to go to church this morning that was really good. Julie is fantastic it was nice to just sit and listen. I also saw Ms. Mary I love her so much it was nice to catch up a bit with her before I scooted away. I need to go and get my new phone changed over I fell on the other yesterday and shattered the front which is okay cause I hated it but a little sad that I won't have a red phone anymore. Oh well... life goes on that is what I have to keep telling myself life goes on and things will work themselves out.
I better run need to hit the verizion store before it gets busy and then I think I am going to nap I don't want to do anything today but hang out nap and yeah nap!
I am really glad to be back and I hope that today will be a good one it has started out well and I am just going to keep that feeling going. I hope that I get to go spend some time with Olyea! It feels like forever since we got to just hang out! I miss her a great deal and am going to make time today for coffee or something
And I am going to fast for the next ten days... I feel like it would do me some good to not eat during the day only water and maybe diet coke maybe. I don't know I think that I am in need of refocus... It can go nowhere but up from here!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Who are you to wave your finger you practically raised the dead...
I have a new job well 2 new jobs I start the most exciting one on Monday.
I crashed my scoot, fell off at least I have to monster bruises!! It hurt so bad! And I ruined Lunaberry for myself. I don't think I can go there anymore. It hurt too badly for me to even think of how yummy it is.
I do need to get in the shower so I can go to Michelle's and see the babies! I really need to go hang out with her in my flip flops and Olyea's dress... Yes I wore it last night but I am going to wear it again today because I don't want to even think about getting the stuff out of the car. It is too much work and I don't want to think about it.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Are you Married or Gay???

I don't understand?? I am starting to feel like I am that girl that once you date me you find your true love. It is really putting a damper on my social life, or the lack of social life lately.
I want to buy a home so I can have some stability but I want someone to share said home with. I also don't want all the baggage of a previous or current marriage or gayness... It really sucks!
I am totally struggling with the fact that I might be a cat lady, well in my case a dog or bird lady but an animal lady none the less.
I am going in the morning to put an offer on a townhouse and I am stuck in this feel bad for myself mode. We interviewed someone today for a front office position and he is so cute but I am sure that because I am attracted to him he is going to be either engaged, married, or dun dun dun GAY!!
It must be my lot in life to be sad and alone! Even though I am neither right now I am still bugged that my world is not turning out how I want it to, I thought by 26 I would be married myself and maybe have a kid or two. But no! I have a dog that is in Idaho and I live in a room that used to be a garage!
Oh well it could be much worse I could be jobless... right now I have 2 of those, carless... I have a car and a scooter and really alone. I am not I have alot of people in my life that want to be there. So I am going to stop bitching and get back to work even though I don't know what I am supposed to be doing given that no one has told me what is expected today .
I love my life it is good... a little odd but good for the most part.
I don't have a black heart but I do have black lungs
I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't breathe so I called my mom and told her how I was feeling and it seemed like I had an apendicitis or maybe a serious kidney infection. But it was neither, once the Dr. took a chest x-ray it was obvious that I had a bad case of pnemonia. I am really glad that I didn't have to have surgery but I am still struggling to breathe.
I don't like that at all!!
But I do need to get some work done so I will blog again later.
Friday, August 29, 2008
I got a SCOOTER!!
I love love love it though! It is one of the best things I have ever done! She is Pink and I also have a pink Helmet! I love it so much! I can't even describe how cool this thing is!
I am going to have to drive it to and from work in the daylight I wasn't too sure about 6am with the new vehicle with it only being my second day of ownership. My computer is being stupid and the pictures won't import but I will work on that and get it done later on today. What sucks is that I have to shut down almost always to make it work. I need to figure out how to download them with wireless my camera has that capability but I don't know how to use it.
Anywhoo... I should get up to the front desk so I can help Brian do the morning stuff
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
My Cold Black Heart...

Just because it is Good... Doesn't make it right.
I hope that I am but I don't know I keep jumping into all of these situations while in the moment are full filling in the long run I don't know what I am getting myself into. I have done this in the past and am hoping to stop with the same patterns.
I got a random text message last night from a friend that I haven't spoken to with since probably February. He is just getting back into the real world and looking forward to 2009 when he can finally do what he wants with his life. It was nice to hear from him but also a little much at 2am...
I am looking forward to what the next few weeks will bring but I am also very nervous I might have gotten the ball rolling in the wrong direction personally. I need to decide what I am going to do to and what path to choose. I am not to worried I have had nothing but positive things happen thus far in the last few weeks.
I am moving up in the world and it is hard to look back and I am not going to.
I hope that everyone has a blessed and productive day.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Darcie's Birthday Bash... and the rest of the goings on
Thursday, August 21, 2008
I have a NEW JOB!!!
I can't wait! It will be so good. I will be able to work both jobs I think and it will be fantastic.
There is light at the end of the tunnel! It is going to be an amazing opportunity for me and for a lot of people that I love. I am truly blessed!
I hope that everyone in my little corner of the world can be as lucky as me!!
AHH!! The Ex-Factor
It is getting so old being the single friend but now there is this whole new level of annoyance in this neat little package called the ex-factor!! It is starting to get in the way of my happiness, I hope this is something that I can remedy soon!
I am so excited to go to the Tav tomorrow night it will be alot of fun. Too bad that Olyea can't come she will be at the gateway until 10ish... But I am so excited that she is liking her new job and that she has her car back. That has to be such a relief for her...
I better go get some sleep... It is getting late
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Matt & Emily
Nearest and Dearest...
Granny Bowling...
I finally retired the Clown Car Purse...