Saturday, October 4, 2008

Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonesome...

I didn't want to be alone today, but what happened... I am alone. Oh well, I am okay with I guess I ended up going to the store and then decided that I wanted print some pictures. When I was putting the ones that I have into a album I noticed that I had very few of my smallest girlfriend Danica. So I printed some off I love them they turned out really cute. I still have quite a few pages in the book before it is full but I will worry about that later.

I need to take some more recent ones I haven't since August. I think I am going to take some with Olyea tomorrow. I am going to meet up with her after church.

I did get to chat with Michelle tonight it was good to talk to her. She is doing well, she got to go on a little road trip with Brian and the Kiddos. Bri Guy has to work so she will get to hang out with a friend from high school. Which will be good for her. I am glad I got to talk to her, I rarely do. I miss them a lot, I should have given Bri Guy a hug before I left when I was there before. I know that he was struggling with the passing of a dear friend. I feel really bad I have struggled a lot with quite a few things but not death. Thankfully not that but I should have given him a hug and let him know how much I love he and his family.

I am watching another movie Lucky number Sleven, great movie. Great Movie!! I better get back to it its starting to get intense, they just told Josh Hartnet (Sleven) that he has to kill the Rabbi's son the Fairy. Getting interesting.

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