YAY!!! YAY for me!! I have finally rejoined the ranks of the working class! No not temp not crazy Indians not a stupid jewelery store but a real live job that will easily turn into a real live career!
I could throw up I am so excited!! I officially start tomorrow, would have started today but they didn't have a desk or anything ready for me. They are in the process of setting up a new office. It is right downtown which is so nice because I live downtown now and it is maybe a 3 minute drive I could scoot or walk if I felt like being that ambitious... (probably not haha)
I don't know what my title will be I will write another blog to let everyone know once I know. I could do cartwheels this is so great!! I have also in my kind of unemployed-ness found a lot of really cool bands online. I have had too much time to just sit and email myself adds from craigslist and listen to new music... I love the Semi Precious Weapons... "I can't pay my rent but I am fucking gorgeous!" LOVE IT!! They also have this really great jewelry line, of like a broken heart and axe necklace called the "borden heart" I totally love the story of Lizzy Borden, "Lizzy Borden had an axe she gave her mother 40 whacks, when her father saw what she had done she gave him 41" really great old movie... I need to see if I can find that on net flix. I also have loved the sillines of Jeffry Star... as pictured above he is a crazy loon but hilarious! Well I better go, I am on my scoot today, my Internet won't work so I had to make a trip to the tea grotto
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