I am a silly girl just trying to make my way in the world with my little dog and a blog... haha!!
About Me
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I wanna!
I can't sing, (unless you ask Rita) but I still do I am always making up songs and singing along to whatever is on and I really want to be able to put a tune to my little ditty's.
I need to find a man (or woman) about a guitar... and lessons.... hopefully free! haha!!
I also have an interest in the drums, but they again are cumbersome and much more difficult to practice given that I don't have a garage, a band and I do have both arms (ouch bad joke, I shouldn't poke fun at a one armed drummer) I was in love with a boy in high school who was a drummer and I am pretty sure he still is and I love it, I have taken a liking to the drum kit on rock band but I don't really have a whole lot of rhythm so I don't think I could really do it. That foot thing really messes with my mind!!
When we were younger my sister got piano lessons and the other one got violin lessons (also a sound I love) so why shouldn't I try my hand at something now? My parents were always too poor for me to ever go. Alix was babysitting her way into the piano lessons and the violin lessons were a gift to Sam for something that I don't remember.
I really wish that I could sing but there is no changing how bad my voice is without well me dying and being reincarnated into someone who isn't tone deaf! haha!! If I had a choice I would have a raspy haunting voice... but I can't choose that so I guess I will just stick with trying to learn to play something.
I am a girl who has lost her cocaine

Monday, October 27, 2008
Money money money must be funny in a rich mans world

Jennifer and Steve are having a party at there house I think I am going to go to that but I don't know as what and costumes are required for entry. There is also some fab prize for the winner of the best costume contest. I do like to win!
I really don't know what to go as... the devil get up is getting old, I could go goth, but I don't know that I will. I am sure that I will think of something I have a few days before I have to start scrambling. I suppose I could go as a pirate, that is really popular this year. I know that the Z family well at least MZ and BZ are going Arrghhh! I don't know what to do, I am so lame this year. I usually am so pumped and can't think of anything else but this year is blah... LAME LAME LAME!!! Oh well I better get back to what I was doing. Hope all of you have a costume idea.
Friday, October 24, 2008

I am so excited, we have already purchased our tickets and I can't hardly wait! It will be so much fun. Sam hasn't been to a good haunted house ever. Honestly I don't know if she can take it but we are going to give it a whirl. Last time I went to a good haunted house (like 2 years ago) I was behind the cutest boy and his family and I kept intentionally getting closer to him. That is because I was completely wasted and I was worried I couldn't hold myself up but that is beside the point. He was super cute and his mom told him to get my number but he was embarrassed and once he realized how drunk I was I don't think he was interested. Oh well... that wasn't the point of this blog. The point was I AM GOING TO A HAUNTED HOUSE BITCHES!!!
I am also going sober so it won't be as fun as it has been in the past but either way I am a screamer I don't know that Sam will enjoy that I am "that girl" the characters chase to make the house seem scarier than it is.
I try to let everyone around me know that I am "that girl" so they can choose another place in line or follow behind a little closer to know when something creepy is coming up.
My stomach is turning in anticipation, or the fact that I have eaten like non-stop today... but I do have some yummy potato's waiting for me! ha ha!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sam came back with me this time, one to see my new place, two so that she could get her math stuff done and just take the damn GED test. A friend of mine helped her last night and she is at a very basic level but with a little more studying she will be able to take the test in November and just be done.
I also am taking advantage of her being here so I can utilize her thrifty-ness. I myself am not very thrifty but she is the queen. I went to the Gateway and didn't purchase anything. That is a feat! It was nice to see Dan he cut his hair!! It looks good, he is the only Utah friend I see anymore and that is only when I go into the Apple Store and say hello. Matt and Emily bought a house, it looks beautiful (from the blog) I don't know what Darcie is up to Dan never has time to chat. I did get to go to lunch with Ritchie and his little family that was nice, his kiddos are getting so big. I miss our insurance days just cause he is so funny. Shannon is in Boston and I haven't spoken to her since her wedding.
I have been going to this small group at my church which has been nice, the ladies in it are so sweet. I had better run I am going to go make some potato's for brunch its damn near 11 and I am just getting up from my Internet surfing...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
I am a ROCK STAR!!!

I also cleaned out my parents fridge... damn, that was a yucky mess something spilled and was all over almost everything. GROSS!! It is really clean now, bleached and cleaned. I also cleaned out my car which was kinda gross too... Lola decided that she needed a car ride not too long ago and I had to vacuum it all out and wipe everything down. I need to get some fabreeze so it doesn't smell like a big bulldog. That will have to come later, I was going to clean Alix's too but she has so many items that take too long to clean out. I don't want to go in and out of the house before I go and vacuum it.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Love Lockdown...
It is really a great song! I also downloaded a lot of sad songs I have been in the mood for sad songs as of late. But I did also get some really peppy ones too, can't go without a good mix of happy, sad, and silly.
I am also obsessed with TI I really like a lot of his stuff, all the stuff with Rhianna is great! I am listening to whatever you like right now... GREAT!! good good good goodness... Better finish the show so I can get ready for a very busy day.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Built a skyscraper of procrastination

Sunday, October 12, 2008
I can't win....
Mom told me to just have it pulled... well it isn't a tooth real far back in my mouth and it would have looked really stupid to be missing it. So Dr. J says that he can save it and he is willing to give me a really good deal if I let him drill out the infection and fill it with medication and a temporary, given that I have been in and out of pain since it broke damn near 10 years ago I was more than willing to let him do this. It didn't take too long, it did take a lot of numbing stuff my teeth don't numb easily. I felt 3 of the 4 wisdom teeth as they came out when I had that done at 16. I am feeling better even though I looked like I had a stroke and I still feel like I was kicked in the face but, I would rather that then the pain I have been in for the last few weeks.
I can't seem to get ahead, I have now been to the dentist, and the hospital 5 times.... Oh well!
Things have to start looking up soon! They have to!!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Sleeping Beauty...
I still want to be Aurora or Rose whatever you want to call her she is great. Who knew that you could fall in love with a prince in one day? Well you can! And you have two ladies yelling make it pink make it blue! about your dress and about your cake it would be wonderful!
well I better get back to it I have to do my dad's homework and I have to get Anastasia some more cereal, she has to go home after the movie and she is very worried about getting more Cinnamon toast crunch before that happens.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just another Manic Monday... wish it were Sunday cause thats my Funday

Saturday, October 4, 2008
Crazy, crazy for feeling so lonesome...

I need to take some more recent ones I haven't since August. I think I am going to take some with Olyea tomorrow. I am going to meet up with her after church.
I did get to chat with Michelle tonight it was good to talk to her. She is doing well, she got to go on a little road trip with Brian and the Kiddos. Bri Guy has to work so she will get to hang out with a friend from high school. Which will be good for her. I am glad I got to talk to her, I rarely do. I miss them a lot, I should have given Bri Guy a hug before I left when I was there before. I know that he was struggling with the passing of a dear friend. I feel really bad I have struggled a lot with quite a few things but not death. Thankfully not that but I should have given him a hug and let him know how much I love he and his family.
I am watching another movie Lucky number Sleven, great movie. Great Movie!! I better get back to it its starting to get intense, they just told Josh Hartnet (Sleven) that he has to kill the Rabbi's son the Fairy. Getting interesting.
A little less conversation....

Hmm... where to start.

I decided that I am not going to get cable or satellite I am going to netflix it. When I find a more permanent job I won't be home enough to watch it and I don't want to be a couch potato.
I have moved too many times in my short stay in Utah and I have also spent way too much time being sick or wounded. I am not scared of my scooter anymore I have ridden it quite a bit. I wish that I could wear real shoes on both feet but I am okay with my hospital shoe for now. I need to go back in for some sort of follow up visit for my foot but I really don't want to I think I am just going to show it to one of my friends who is in the medical field and call it good.
I am so glad that I have my own place again!!! It is fantastic, I need to have a little house warming party but I don't know when.
My dad is coming down today if it isn't too rainy. He needs to get some stuff for work, I hope that he is able to come. I moved everything on Wednesday so that I wouldn't have to worry about the rain. I am glad that I did so that I would have time to get everything put away, it is almost put away but put away for the most part. I don't have a lot of storage but that is okay.
Olyea is moving or going to try and move to Cali. I hope that it works out for her she needs a change in a positive direction. I am going to her court date with her, and hopefully she will be divorced. I guess that her douche of a still husband soon to be no longer husband has signed all the papers but for some reason she will need to go to court this month.
I am sad to be out of Julie's I didn't realize how much I liked her. We were really getting along and things were great it was a good temporary place and I will miss it. I went there yesterday to get some mail and was sad to scoot away. But then I pulled up the hill and into my new spot and I loved it!!
I need to get online and find a cover for my scoot so I will blog again later~
Friday, October 3, 2008