Sunday, December 9, 2007

It's an addiction.

So I have decided that I am addicted to hats. I haven't done my hair in like 3 days I have just put a hat on. I have found another hat that I need to purchase as well. It is at this cute little boutique by the movie theaters. I think it is going to be on my Christmas list.

I also need to find some flat shoes. When I lived in Idaho all I wore was heels and it seems like all of the people that I hang out with here are really short. All of the guys that I work with are either barely as tall as me or shorter... which is odd. I am used to hanging out with freakishly tall men and even the ones that weren't 6.4+ were at least 6 foot so the heels were okay.

Not in Idaho... I think there is something in the water, people are just smaller here...

Oh well.

The new guys at work are so much fun. I went out with them on Friday night. We went to DB's which is this little hole in the wall bar... DB's is short for Debbies Brother Yikes! an odd crowd hangs out there. But the guys from work are really really fun. They are addicted to Golden T golf. It is this ridiculous video game that you put a credit card in and you can track your progress in whatever city you are in. So New Boss man who is totally a step up from the old one is a Card Carrying Golden T player... he literally has a card with his name on it that keeps all of his points and progress and he gets to buy different things with his points like new outfits and stuff. Completely hilarious. Well we hung out at DB's for a long time and I drank way too much cause that is what I do... I broke my 40 some odd days of sobority.... oh well... it was a lot of fun. I haven't been able to stop puking since saturday morning but I think that is just stress cause a hang over doesn't last for two days! haha

1 comment:

MUG said...

Love the new hat addiction! You look adorable. More dates to come I'm sure!